
Language isn't just about words; it's about understanding, dignity, and survival.

35 Million

refugees and asylum seekers worldwide

44% of refugees can't communicate in the language of their host country, making simple tasks like accessing medical care daunting.


of the US have limited English

Nearly 10% of the population is limited-English proficient (LEP), which leads to inequality in healthcare and other essential services.


LEP patients face language barriers

67% of LEP patients reported facing a language barriers seeking healthcare services in the US,  resulting in reduced health outcomes.

Why donate to Tarjimly?

Our Impact So Far

Your generosity enables us to:

  • Deliver Critical Aid: Facilitate medical, legal, and emergency support to refugees in urgent need.
  • Empower Through Education: Help them navigate educational and employment opportunities.
  • Keep Services Free: Ensure that our translation services remain free for refugees and grassroots organizations.
  • Support Inclusivity: Bridge cultural gaps, enhance well-being, and support communities by enabling access to crucial resources.

Support Tarjimly & Transform Lives. Every donation, big or small, amplifies the voice of someone in need.

  • 500K+ lives directly and indirectly impacted since 2018.
  • 123K sessions facilitated to break barriers and uplift refugees in critical moments.
  • $4 million worth of free translation and interpretation services provided.
  • 1.3K organizations empowered by Tarjimly.
  • Doubled access & speed for humanitarian support.

Making every donation count

Donate Here

Have any questions?

Don't hesitate to reach out to us, whether via email or booking a 15-minute call. We're always happy to help